Porcelain Diffusers

From a table in the distance Lee was able to spot two little porcelain figurines which caught his eye. 

The 2 beautiful porcelain figurines are perfume diffusers.  By placing a scented oil at the base of the parasol the oil is disburse out in an aerosol to help fragrance your home.

These little figurines belong to a much larger set of perfume diffusers but still look great by themselves.  Has Lee found a bargain here or will he be left with a bad taste in his mouth?

If you would like to bid on these items please go to our Ebay Link below:


Silver Coloured Container

It’s true that on occasion you come across something at a car boot that you just have the impulse to buy – and this week was no different as Lee picks up this Silver container which nobody really know what it’s used for?

As this item was purchased the seller advises that this container can be used as either an ashtray or a container for sweets but in any case it was a must have purchase this week from the local car boot.

As you can see from the first photograph above this is a silver globe that rests on four feet and has this beautiful decorative pattern engraved all around it.

As you cann see from the photos below the globe opens up to reveal a compartment which was highlighted as being an ashtray or for holding sweets and candy's.

As the seller was not a 100% sure what its true function was we can only speculate but the one thing worth noting is that it has a made in England stamp on the bottom which make a refreshing change.

If you would like to bid on this item please go to the following Ebay Link:


Giraffe Figurines

Looking at this latest batch of goodies from this weeks car boot you'd think Neil and Lee had gone on Safari.

After the recent Giraffe craze that graced Facebook recently Lee couldn't resist this moulded Giraffes with gold painted finishes.
The Giraffes came as part of a bag of goodies which Lee picked up on his recent visit to the car boot.

The moulded Giraffes come as a set but there is a stranger amongst them.
Below is this beautiful hand carved wooden Giraffe with hand painted markings.  Sadly the paint has worn so the Giraffe can only be photographed from his best side.

Will these beautiful giraffes find a good home?

If you would like to bid on our item please go to the following Ebay Links:

Plastic mould Giraffe set:  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221408266981?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649

Hand Carved Wooden Giraffe:  http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221408255171?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649