Computer Battleship

Another great boot sale find.
Relatively expensive when new, but see our video to find out how much we paid for this '70s techno toy. Had a quick look at  these ones on Ebay. May well be listing ours. We'll keep you updated.

If you would like to bid on this item, please go to our Ebay Link below:

Electronic Battleships Loading instructions (1979 Version)
Step 1 - Place your 5 individual ships anywhere on the bottom gaming grid making sure your opponant does not see.
Step 2 - Switch the game on
Step 3 - Place the game into load mode (This switch is normaly located on the opposite side of the board so your opponant may need to do this for you).
Step 4 - Place your slider controls over the CLE and CM positions and press both buttoms. 
*** Please note its important to clear the games memory first before proceeding with a new one as the game will on occassion retain the last game played in its memory """
Step 5 - Each of your 5 ships will have a different number of holes which corresponds to a location on the gaming grid.  Using your slider controls enter each of the holes locations makiing sure that your press the lower slider button, and upper slider button and then followed by the fire button.  Each of the three buttons will beep as you enter in the holes grid location.  (The fire button locks in the position).   Once the you have completed this sequence of presses move onto the next hole and repeat this process.
There are 17 holes in total which you have to program into the games memory.  Once the last of the 17 holes has been entered the game will give out an audible beep.
*** Note when entering your ships locations, each of the slider buttons must beep - if they fail to beep then the location is not being accepted by the game.  If this happens please make sure your sliders are sitting correctly at the right position - if this fails to resolve the issue please start over from step 1 """ 
Its is now your opponanats turn to enter in their ships locations  (repeat step 5).
When your opponant has finished, just as before an audible beep will sound after the last of the 17 holes has been entered.
Step 6 - Now that your ships locations have been stored into the games memory slide the game from "Load" to "Go" mode.
And there you have it - your ready to commnce battle on the high seas.
Good Luck - and remember, the captain always goes down with the ship..

Avery Pricing Gun

I used to use one of these when I worked as a student in a supermarket.
We sold this on Ebay for £18 inc p&p.
See our video to see how much dosh we splashed out on this veritable wonder of retail efficiency.

CB Radio Book

A guy was flogging all sorts of CB stuff, but this book caught my attention.
We sold it on Ebay for £8.00 inc p&p.
Watch our video to see how much cash we forked out for this American book.

The Office Season 1 and 2 Box Set

Not everyone's "cup of tea", but a great find. Watch our video to find out how much we paid for this classic box set. We'll list this on Ebay in a few days and update this post with the selling price. As you would expect, being based in the UK, we're big fans of the original releases.
Update - No luck with Ebay. We tried a 99p auction, with £1.50 p&p, but it didn't sell. Which is just as well, because we would have made a loss.
I'm going to keep this box set, or give it to someone as a gift. Was it a boot sale bargain? You decide.

St Kilda Summer

We'll be listing this on Ebay within a week or two, so I'll let you know if this book turned out to be a boot sale bargain. In the mean time, I've spent some time finding the top selling books for St Kilda fans.
Update - No sale on Ebay. We tried £4.00 inc p&p, but had no luck, probably because there are plenty of copies about, for less money. Was this a boot sale bargain? See the video and judge for yourself. I'm going to give this book away as a gift to someone I know, so I'm happy.